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Switch to An Electric Toothbrush
Brushing your teeth daily with an electric toothbrush is one of the best modern practices for protecting your health. The technology incorporated into these toothbrushes makes them superior to manual. They offset the consequences of brushing your teeth too hard and help with the amount of time you should spend brushing. The way I see […]
The Benefits of Using Cod Liver Oil
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dr. Jesse Myers, DMD (@drjessemyers) Per popular request, here are some of the benefits of cod liver oil! In short, think *HIGH QUALITY* Vitamin D. Seasonally, in the winter months the Solar Zenith Angle of the sun is inadequate to reach the threshold for synthesizing Vitamin […]
Food is Medicine
Food is medicine. It always has been. But, we now have a more sophisticated, mechanistic understanding of the science backing this claim. Instead of solely understanding the pharmacology of pharmaceutical agents, we understand how nutraceuticals (natural agents) are potent medicaments.
Mouth Taping and the Negative Effects of Breathing through your Mouth
Let’s talk about mouth-taping! The first thing to understand is that snoring and mouth breathing are not normal. Common and normal are two separate things. If you snore at night, you are a Mouth Breather and I highly recommend seeing a qualified healthcare team. As humans, we are designed primarily to breathe through the nose. […]
Leaky Gum Syndrome Leads to Dysbiosis of the Microbiome
Everyone is talking about “leaky gut syndrome” but have you heard about leaky GUM syndrome? Both are examples of dysbiosis of the microbiome. Bleeding gums are a visual indication of microorganisms leaking into your bloodstream, predisposing you to systemic chronic inflammation.
The Health in Your Mouth Determines the Health of Your Brain
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dr. Jesse Myers, DMD (@drjessemyers) Oftentimes patients may wonder what the worst-case scenario of neglecting their oral health leads to? Root canals may come to mind, but few are aware of the recent findings that indicate gum disease, or gingivitis, can even lead to Alzheimer's. Though […]
How Salt Water Mouth Rinse Benefits the Oral Microbiome
The best mouthwash recommendation is hands down a SALT WATER RINSE! Salt as medicine is an age-old remedy going back to biblical times. As a mouthwash, salt water rinses are natural, safe, affordable, readily accessible, and culturally acceptable for routine use to combat dysbiosis!
Trade in Your Sugar for Monkfruit Sweetener, a Healthy Alternative
When coming off of a sugar addiction, oftentimes a cold turkey approach doesn’t work. Instead, a substitution is a great way to help provide a solution! Monk fruit sweetener has been celebrated as a revolutionary way to sweeten foods and drinks without the harmful effects of traditional sugar and artificial sweeteners.
The Future of Medicine is Red Light Therapy
The future of medicine is photobiomodulation! For those not familiar with this term, Photobiomodulation is the therapeutic impact of light exposure on our biology and its wide-ranging effects on the body. Red light therapy demonstrated above is an example of this.
Hydroxyapatite Toothpastes – Wellnesse Whitening Toothpaste Review
Hydroxyapatite toothpastes are the new fluoride for dentistry. New studies are showing that it’s just as effective if not more effective at remineralizing teeth as fluoride. Regardless of what your beliefs about fluoride are, the topic of fluoride is a nuanced one and is not a discussion for this post.
The Negative effects of Antibacterial Mouthwashes
I am NOT a fan of most of the mouthwashes out there. Especially Listerine, which is a low-level antibacterial mouthwash that recent studies have shown that long-term use is an independent risk factor for developing hypertension & prediabetes /diabetes.
What is Functional Dentistry?
Functional Dentistry is a comprehensive way of practicing medicine that integrates lifestyle modifications and food as medicine into contemporary dentistry. As Hippocrates once said, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” 
Complete Whole Body Health Starts in the Mouth
The mouth is the gateway to the rest of the interconnected human body. Through this portal, we will see that at the pinnacle of health is oral health. This is because the mouth is the perfect mirror and reflector of what is happening internally in the human body.


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